Building Bridges: From Fashion to Founder

How Winny Found Success by Combining Creativity, Technology, and Authenticity in a Male-Dominated Industry

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We had a great chat with Winny, who's making waves in both fashion and blockchain. She walked us through her journey from fashion intern to tech founder, sharing real insights on building a business, managing money, and navigating a fast-moving industry.

I've been in the blockchain space for a significant part of my career—about 26% of my life. It feels surreal to say that! I started out in fashion and got into crypto around 2017 while doing an unpaid fashion internship in New York. I became interested when my friends were mining crypto, and I thought, 'Why not give it a shot?' That’s when I really dove in. I remember going to a talk during London Fashion Week in 2018 about digital assets, and that was a turning point for me. It led me to write my undergraduate thesis on the relationship between fashion and blockchain. Despite my professor's skepticism, I used it to apply for a Master's in Computer Science and Business.


What made you start your company? Was there a specific moment or experience that pushed you toward entrepreneurship?

For me, it’s always been about solving problems in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming to the average consumer. When I co-founded Chipped, the goal was to help people engage with blockchain without it feeling like “crypto.” It’s about creating a product that's accessible, not scary. My vision is to build systems that people can enjoy and interact with, without focusing on financial incentives or jargon.

What’s one under-rated content growth tip?

Honestly, just be unapologetically yourself. When I started creating content, I didn’t have a strategy beyond being authentic. I think people can see through anything forced. Whether I’m tweeting about something serious or something lighthearted like my latest t-shirt or a funny observation, it’s all me. That’s the key—authenticity and consistency.

What challenges (if any) have you faced as a female founder in a male-dominated industry, and how have you overcome them?

Interestingly, I've never faced negativity from men in the industry. They may not always understand what I’m doing, but they’re generally supportive. The bigger challenge has been with some women, particularly those from older generations, who sometimes don’t see that there’s room for more than one woman at the top. It's something I think will change with time as more women succeed and support each other.


What’s one money tip you live by, or what do you wish you knew earlier about personal finance or investing?

After working in offshore finance, I realized how flawed the traditional financial system is. I saw instances where high-ranking individuals could take tax deductions for lavish purchases, while ordinary employees paid more in taxes. That really opened my eyes. I now believe in being as smart as possible with your money, and I think crypto can be a great tool for financial empowerment.

Has your mindset around money changed since transitioning from an employee to an entrepreneur?

Definitely. As an employee, I didn’t think much about spending—it was just part of life. But as an entrepreneur, I’m much more careful because I have a team to support. If we need to cut costs, my salary is the first thing I’ll reduce. I’ve also learned to be incredibly scrappy, and I’m proud of how far we’ve come with very little funding.

To learn more about Winny and stay connected, you can find her on Twitter.

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